My Story
Hey there! My name is Natalia Wohletz. In fall 2014, I carved my first linoleum block and immediately fell in love with printmaking. After selling my prints, illustrations and paintings part time for three years while pursuing my Bachelors degree in mathematics from Kalamazoo College and then working full time for corporate America, I decided to take a leap and create art full time. I launched Peninsula Prints in July 2018 and have since been furiously creating new designs and content. The name Peninsula Prints is an ode to Michigan, my home state and muse. Michigan landscapes, architecture, wildlife and lifestyle continuously provide ample inspiration for my work. I am also the owner of Main Street Art, an art gallery and custom frame shop in Milford, Michigan (mainstreetartmilford.com).
My Work On Display
Recent Exhibitions
Contemporary Art Show 2023, Mackinac Island, Honorable Mention
Poetry Art Night 2023, Milford, Honorable Mention
Our Town 2022, Birmingham, Honorable Mention
Poetry Art Night 2022, Milford, Honorable Mention
Contemporary Art Show 2021, Mackinac Island -
Permanent Installations
Michigan Supreme Court Block Print Series, Hall of Justice, Lansing
Diversity & Nature Mural, University of Rochester, New York -
Published Work
Four Seasons of Mackinac, Contributing Photographer
The Gardens of Mackinac Island, Contributing Photographer
MIMI the MONARCH, Illustrator & Author

My Process
I specialize in linoleum block printing. Printmaking is a lesser known medium that was popularized in Asia hundreds of years ago and makes its way in and out of the art world. I love printmaking for its process of flipping traditional positive-negative space techniques and creating the work in reverse as the block functions more or less like a stamp.
To create a piece, I draw out a design on linoleum. Then, I carve out everything that I don't want to show up in the print. When the block is ready, I roll ink onto the block and pull it through my 15" etching press. I repeat this process for each color in a multicolor print, working from lightest color to the darkest. Unlike many printmakers who stick to one-color prints or large blocks of color, I utilize layering of colors and meticulously detailed carving to create a painterly wealth of textures, depth and gradients. I keep my editions small (15-100 prints per edition), and sign and number each one.